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DOROT Social Worker Profile: Yael Kornfeld

Each March, National Social Work Month recognizes the impact social workers deliver while providing services to child

Community Resource: NYC Free Tax Prep

Tax season 2021 is upon us!

DOROT on BronxNet TV: Social Work During a Pandemic

BronxNet TV OPEN Host Daren Jaime sat down with DOROT Synagogue Outreach Social Worker, Jane Blumenstein to discuss h

DOROT Social Worker Profile: Shannon O'Connor

Each March, National Social Work Month recognizes the impact social workers deliver while providing services to c

DOROT Social Worker Profile: Jane Blumenstein

Each March, National Social Work Month recognizes the impact social workers deliver while providing services to c

Join DOROT in Celebrating National Social Work Month

Each March, National Social Work Month recognizes the impact social workers deliver while providing services to child

Our Videos

Upper East Side girl uses bat mitzvah to give back

Age is Just a Number

Social Connection is Antidote to Social Isolation

DOROT: Generations Helping Generations